Just a little bit about me…


Kaneshia (Nesh) is a Mother, Intuitive Astrologer, Numerologist, Teacher, and Travel Enthusiast. Astro Coaching By Nesh was birthed by Nesh in 2019 with an addition to several years of study and research prior. With a background in Education, Psychology and Business, Nesh has utilized her training with her gift of sight to assist hundreds of people, far and near in their Spiritial growth.

Nesh, imparts her planetary wisdom, at every turn and specializes in children’s birth charts, astrological life coaching, Transits and Business consultations. Nesh, also consults with companies, to counsel and develop a business acumen and host yoga and meditation retreats. In addition to astrology and travel, Nesh is a lover of music, art and fashion design.


What People Are Saying


“Nesh taught me so much about myself that I wish I had known twenty years ago. She truly blew my mind.”


There is no value on the guidance Nesh just I gave to me. I thought I had it all figured out but the



My confidence in the workplace has gotten so much better!


I let anxiety take over my life for too long. Now I have the strength to control my emotions.


Awards I’ve Won

2019 AC Compatibility Coach Award
Astro Stars Aligned Award
2021 Astrology Conference - Neptunia Medal Honoree

Confidence comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.

Let me coach you.

From compatibility in your relationships to business consultations, I’m here to make sure that your next step is a guided one. Book an appointment below.